Understanding Ourselves as Energy
This month energies have taught me a very profound lesson, in that it’s not the intensity of energy that defines life but the unique patterns and frequencies in which it resonates.
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Understanding from within the layer between energy and matter as part of a continuum with patterns that direct energy into specific forms, influencing our spiritual and physical perceived realities.
I often tell people that we are energy and gently remind them that ‘energy flows where attention goes’ to imply that our consciousness and focus have a tangible effect on the energy within, in and around us, and this shapes both our inner experience and the reality we create.
I believe that ‘knowledge is power,’ especially when it comes to understanding and using sound and advanced technologies modalities as healing tools.
My intention is to convey the multi layered dimensions of working with sound healing and advanced technologies such as creation, earthly, clearing, physical and emotional healing energies such as Tachyon, Ankryon, Reiki, Sangyon (Sound), twin and Individual Rays etc… as it is this understanding that fuels my dedication to this work.
You wouldn’t resonate with the magical and sacred power of Sound if you didn’t feel deep in your core that sound is God’s creative force, that creation manifested from a divine vibration/ Sound, such as in the Vedic texts where the universe emerges from ‘OM’, a sound symbolizing the vibration of all existence, or in genesis where God ‘speaks’ the world into being.
That creation, at its core, is a process of organizing energy into matter, revealing that it is the pattern - not merely the intensity - of energy that gives form and structure to everything we see.
For those exploring the profound healing power of sound, I encourage you to truly deepen your understanding. When we say, ‘Sound is the medicine of the future’, this isn't just an abstract concept.

For sound to facilitates genuine healing, it’s essential that both the giver and receiver of sound understand the layered and intentional process that sound unfolds, and impact our entire being on physical, emotional, and energetic levels.
Sound healing isn't only about the auditory experience; it is about using vibrational frequencies to align and balance subtle energies, promoting a return to wholeness.
Today, sound healers work across a spectrum of energetic fields, where the authenticity of intention becomes a foundation for effective healing. When a practitioner is aware of the power and responsibility in using sound for transformation, they can hold space for natural healing to occur.
This awareness reaches beyond technique into an understanding of resonance, harmonics, and how sound vibrations impact not only physical tissues but also our emotional and spiritual states. It’s about holding sound, not merely creating it, and providing a safe and supportive environment that allows healing to happen organically.
As more people come forward offering sound-based practices, it’s vital to understand that this work can have profound impacts. Sound in the right hands creates balance, but misused or misdirected, it can disturb the subtle energy field.

When I perform ceremonies, especially for individuals transitioning at the end of life, my focus is on working across dimensions, respecting the layers of energy and time. This experience has taught me that we are much more than our physical form - we are energy, vibrating in fields that interact with one another.
The process of healing with sound is one of aligning with these fields and allowing natural transformation. This understanding requires a commitment to learning. Ancient traditions and modern studies alike show that sound’s effects on the body and mind are real and transformative.
With that knowledge comes the responsibility to apply sound consciously and with respect for its power.
In this way, we honour sound as a tool of harmony, healing, and deep connection, remembering that as powerful as it is in skilled hands, sound can just as easily disrupt when wielded without care.
For those working in the field of sound, have an understanding no matter how basic that sound frequencies influence mental states and even incite stress or discomfort in a controlled manner, used to create chaos, stress and discomfort for disruption in human subjects.

Have you ever heard of the ‘ghost frequency’?
The Infrasound (~17 Hz) is a low-frequency infrasound that induces anxiety, making you feel unease, and even experience mild hallucinations, as observed in physicist Vic Tandy’s study.
Read more here: http://www.richardwiseman.com/resources/ghost-in-machine.pdf
Tandy's research showed that exposure to this frequency could induce fear and visual disturbances due to its resonance with the body and brain, or ‘the mosquito tone’ (~17-18 kHz), where devices emitting this high-frequency sound are used to deter young people from loitering, as younger ears are more sensitive to it, creating discomfort and irritation. This sound strategy is based on the natural decline in hearing higher frequencies as people age.
Or the Acoustic Crowd Control (LRAD) which I came across when I was studying criminology a few years ago, The Long-Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) which uses high-decibel sounds (2,000-4,000 Hz) to disorient and disperse crowds. Its ability to cause temporary hearing loss, intense discomfort, and even nausea is well-documented, showing sound's effectiveness for non-lethal crowd control.
Now less of the bad and more on the good. It is fundamental to learn about wave-particle duality, where particles like photons exhibit both particle-like and wave-like properties depending on how we observe them.

In quantum physics, matter and energy are interchangeable, connected by waves of energy that permeate the fabric of reality. At the subatomic level, particles—such as electrons and photons—exist not only as solid points but also as waves, suggesting that the ‘solid’ parts of reality are just concentrated points within a larger energetic field.
In this way, each particle’s frequency (the rate at which it vibrates) contributes to a pattern, forming the structures we perceive as matter.
This patterning is crucial as without the correct frequencies, matter would not retain its form. For instance, our bodies consist of atoms organized in precise arrangements, which create tissues and organs through harmonious energy patterns. When this resonance is disrupted, it can lead to physical or emotional dissonance.

There is so much to talk about in this topic alone...when I was training to become a High priestess of Mary Magdalene, I was introduced to Tetryonics, a theory that refers to mass, energy and matter and the forces of motion.
This came to me during deep meditation and later on in dreams. I will be coming back to this specific topic later on another post.
Some of us is familiar with the countless examples of energy creating form such as in shown to us in Cymatics, where sound frequencies vibrating on a flat surface covered in sand or liquid, you see the particles aligning into intricate geometric patterns.

These patterns change according to the frequency used, and serves to illustrate how different vibrational frequencies create distinct forms. This indicates to me that are patterns, and not intensity, that which shapes material structure as well understood in sacred geometry and Anthroposophy.
Another great example is Fractal Patterns in Nature. I am confident quite a few of us have seen it, they are complex patterns that repeat at various scales, appear in nature and the human body
Blood vessels, tree branches, and river systems all follow fractal geometry, where the same pattern replicates at both large and small scales.
This reflects how certain energy patterns create stable structures across different environments, implying an inherent ‘intelligence’ in the way energy is alchemized into material structures.
It is essential to acknowledge the ancient principle of sacred geometry when discussing the sacredness of sound, as this principle asserts that all life forms adhere to specific geometric patterns that reflect universal energies.

My journey into sound healing began with what I describe an interdimensional experience that allowed me to access higher realms of Consciousness whilst visiting to Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland.
This experience introduced me to the core principles of sacred geometry, which has since deeply shaped my understanding and practice of sound healing.
The insights gained through this initiation continue to guide my approach, illuminating the connection between structure, energy, and sound.
Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man exemplifies this connection by aligning with the golden ratio (approximately 1.618), a fundamental number evident in everything from leaf arrangements to galaxy structures.

This ratio, also known as phi, demonstrates how certain patterns—rather than arbitrary measurements - organize matter in a harmonious manner.
The sacred geometry inherent in our bodies remind us that our physical forms adhere to energy-efficient, harmonious patterns, such as the spiraling double-helix structure of DNA, which embodies both the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio.
These patterns extend beyond human anatomy, manifesting throughout nature in forms like shells and flowers, pointing us once again to a universal design principle wherein specific forms promote stability and balance across all creation.

In Spiritual Philosophy, creation is a dance of order and rhythm, with spiritual or cosmic forces shaping life through vibration and resonance and energy forms according to archetypal patterns rather than through raw force or intensity.
It is through the etheric body, that the energy informs the physical form by guiding cellular growth and repair according to specific energetic patterns. This body is composed of subtle, life-giving energies that organize and sustain our physical bodies.
In Sound healing as in Anthroposophy there is an understanding that healing takes place not by overwhelming energy but by restoring the natural patterns of the etheric body and that Illness, results from a distortion in these patterns, while health reflects alignment with them.

We can say then, that this is a Journey of Transformation – of matter returning to Light :)
The transition of matter back to energy—or light—echoes the quantum principle that particles can “disappear” from a solid form into a wave-like state. In certain ancient texts, this process is likened to a form of spiritual ascension.
Buddhist teachings, for instance, describe the practice of turning the physical body into light as a form of enlightenment, a return to the original state of pure energy or consciousness.
Similarly, the alchemical process of transformation aims to ‘liberate’ spirit from matter, symbolized by the ‘transmutation of lead into gold’ or the realization of the ‘philosopher’s stone.’

This transformation really indicate to those with ‘eyes to see and ears to hear’, that all material forms, including the human body, ultimately resolve back into pure energy or consciousness, completing a cycle that spans from light to matter and back to light which is the journey of our souls in the dense dimension before returning home again for we are Energetic Beings of Patterned Light.
Our bodies and minds are organized through patterns of energy, resonating with both quantum principles and ancient spiritual insights. These energetic patterns manifest not just our physical form but our connection to the larger universe.
Through alignment with the natural geometric and vibrational patterns that govern life, we may not only understand ourselves better but also foster well-being, awareness, and a deeper connection to all forms of life.
This perspective, rooted in both science and spirituality, redefines what it means to be human - not as isolated entities of mass and matter, but as intricate, interconnected fields of patterned energy.
December sessions:
Date: Friday 6th of December
Time: 19:00 - 20:00
Location: Hurlston Hall (Holistic studio) get tickets here: https://allevents.in/ormskirk/80001864213547
Date: Friday 13th of December
Time: 19:00 - 20:15
Location: The Sanctuary of Healing - Langho
Get tickets here: https://allevents.in/blackburn/80001384946413
Date: Friday 13th of December
Time: 18:00 - 18:45
Location: The Sanctuary of Healing - Langho
Get tickets here: https://allevents.in/blackburn/80003445075888